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We’re proud of being the United Methodist Church - Connectional, missional, and disciple-making church.

We welcome everyone - whether sexual orientation is different or not, race and culture are different.

Matthew 5:13-20

There is nothing intrinsically wrong with peer pressure. Except when the pressure is coming from someone who is insanely out in front of us in the smarts department, athletic abilities, good looks or whatever. That kind of dominance will shut us down in a heartbeat. But if we are challenged by people who are truly our “peers”, then the pressure can be a good thing.

In our text Sunday, the Pharisees are peer-less. Nobody is going to beat them in the righteousness department. But Jesus says that our righteousness has to exceed that of the Pharisees. Not just match it, but exceed it. How are we supposed to do this?

Join us Sunday as we search and discover.

John 1:29-42 Hotel Discipleship

Jesus doesn’t promise luxurious lodging or the most awesome accommodations when he issues the invitation “Come and see.” But he does promise something else - something that not even a five-star hotel can build into its business plan.

Disciples are those who want to stay with Jesus, wherever that stay may be and wherever it may take them. Join us Sunday as we ask the question, “Where will you be staying tonight?”

Matthew 1:18-25

This Christmas you may be looking for an unusual gift for an unusual or special person. You can find all kinds of suggestions online. Sunday, on Christmas Sunday, the most amazing gift of all comes to us in the form of a child.

How should we respond? This Christmas, our challenge is to accept Jesus into the deepest parts of ourselves as a surprising and transforming gift.

Join us this Sunday as we see what it means to fall in line with Jesus. Matthew 1:18-25

Matthew 3:1-12

A sculpture depicting Jesus as a homeless person is rejected by two prominent churches. This leads us to a discussion of both Jesus (who had no place “to lay his head”) and John the Baptist, whose manner and attire is unconventional, to say the least.

Do we really accept what John calls us to and do we really accept Jesus? We might invite him into our heart, but would we still have trouble inviting him into our home?

Join us this Sunday as we look at these challenges.

2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

Our reading this week is 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13. Paul reminds us that when we accept Jesus’ call to follow him, we should probably be aware that there are terms and conditions.

The call in this text, one that echoes Jesus’ call to the fishermen, is to follow him. We can do this, but do we accept the terms and conditions? Do we even know what they are? And if we do, are we still willing to follow, surrender all and not count the cost?

See you Sunday.

Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15

What is it we really want? Is it to be fully alive on the inside? Flourishing in our lives never happens when we are looking out for ourselves. The truth is those who flourish always bring blessings to others.

Join us this Sunday and see how God has made each of us to flourish and what that means.

Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15

Luke 17:11-19

Our reading this week is Luke 17:11-19. The familiar story of the ten lepers healed and only one comes back to Jesus in praise.

A couple of questions: 1. What do you think they were expecting from Jesus? 2. Do you expect healing? 3. Do you expect comfort? 4. Do you expect an answer?

This story of the ten lepers is a great image of our faith journey, and what it means to be a Christian. The journey of faith often comes with three essential steps.

Join us as we investigate the path to fulfillment in Christ.